Friday, June 10, 2011

Featured Artisan: Kristen Solecki

Happy Friday everyone, please welcome this weeks featured artisan, Kristen Solecki of

First off, tell us a little about yourself?

I am a freelance traditional mixed media artist working out of the Philadelphia area. I work mainly in traditional printmaking, ink, and paint. I love the beauty and uniqueness that comes from making art by hand. 

How did you start creating your artwork, and how long have you been doing it?

I don't remember a time when I didn't make art. I grew up spending hours a day drawing and painting. I would make things like bracelets and magnets and sell them to neighborhood kids in lieu of a lemonade stand.   

When I went to art school for illustration, I learned a lot about the tools of the trade and about the market itself. I think the most important thing I learned was that when it comes to art you have to make your own rules. However, I didn't learn that until after I graduated.  

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I get my inspiration from many different things. I really love nature and I think a lot of my work reflects an organic quality. I grew up in an old, historic town and some of my work also reflects a form of nostalgia.  Memories, people around me, and current experiences always play a part in my work. 

Outside of crafting what else do you enjoy doing?

Outside of making art I love to swim in the ocean. I still haven't learned to surf but would like to someday. Besides the ocean I like traveling and being with the great people in my life.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

My work and more about me can be found on my website,

In honor of spring there is no shipping with any orders through my Etsy store, just type in the coupon code "springishere." 

I love talking with and meeting creative individuals of all kinds so write and say hello! 

Kristen, thanks so much for sharing your lovely artwork with us. xoxo


Just stopping by your blog from Miss Val's Creations. Fellow NCarolinian here too. You have created some very lovely pieces!

I love the whimsical style of Kristen's work! ~Val

Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog!! :D
i love photos on your blog its very inspirational!!!


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